Engineering Materials (Course Code BSC 2031) Elective Chemistry


ISBN: 9788198465863

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Are you a student of Semester-II of First Year Engineering of University of Mumbai and looking for Chemistry made easy, understandable, with interesting and factual reactions? Need a quick guide to solve numerical? Your search ends here. This book, Engineering Materials (Course Code – BSC2031) for Elective Chemistry, is common for all Branches of First Year Engineering (Semester-II) students as per the revised syllabus of the University of Mumbai as per NEP-2020 Scheme with effect from Academic Year 2024-25. This book covers all six modules of the syllabus. All the concepts are in clear and simple language. Suitable numerical as per the syllabus are available with solutions. Required diagrams wherever necessary are available in all the modules. Information are all given in a tabular form to keep it brief. Just reading it will help to create interest and open up huge information of numerous materials. You can find University questions with marks at the end of each module. It also includes samples of End semester exam papers (Model Question Paper) for a clear understanding of the paper pattern. Thus one can find everything needed for successful clearing and scoring good marks in end semester exam under one cover that is this book of Engineering Materials.